'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); Rectangles: July 2008

Jul 29, 2008

Jul 28, 2008

More from the Mall in Kyoto and Erik Buys at the Hello Kitty Goth Store

Kyoto Japan

Turn right 90 degrees from the shot of Erik and you're looking from the shopping area outside to this shrine.

Jul 25, 2008


Kyoto Japan

I missed the red apron explanation from Mickey the guide in the last picture.

Jul 23, 2008

July 23, 2008 One Year of Picture Posting

Oops, I almost missed it. One year ago today I made my first post and while I haven't released the shutter every day I think I've got a post for every day. For me there seems to be something (OCD?) about doing the posts. It has certainly supplied incentive to keep shooting and it's been quite a journey so far. My vision has changed and broadened and I think gotten more complex and simple. Over the past year I've shot over 6000 pictures. That probably approaches what I've done over the rest of my life. I've got about 11,500 digital pictures, original digital and scans on file. I completed and printed a photo book in response to SOFOBOMO. Some time soon I should also have a web site up (this means you Brent) to offer selected pictures for sale. So, thanks to the 12 of you who check in regularly. I hope you are enjoying them. And, of course, thanks to my mom who should really post her comments and not just email them to me.

Todaiji Temple

Kyoto Japan