'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); Rectangles: February 2009

Feb 28, 2009

Obviously Yellow Western Union

NE Sandy Blvd. Portland Oregon

Sidewalk, Linoleum Floor, Open Door, Stair Railing

Still NE Sandy Blvd. Portland Oregon

Feb 27, 2009

For Lease, Mr. Formal

NE Sandy Blvd. Portland Oregon

Bus, Tree and Vacant Store Front

NE Sandy Blvd. Portland Oregon

Feb 26, 2009

Feb 25, 2009

Hollywood Theater Marquee

NE Sandy Blvd. Portland Oregon

Feb 24, 2009

West Side of the Hollywood Theater

NE Sandy Blvd. Portland Oregon

Feb 23, 2009

Feb 22, 2009

Sushi Ichiban

Taken at dusk from the car waiting for the light at NW Broadway and W Burnside. Portland Oregon

Feb 21, 2009

Tree and Fence and Sky and Trucks

NW 9th & Kearney, Portland Oregon

Feb 20, 2009

Still Behind the Post Office

NW 9th & Kearney, Portland Oregon

Feb 19, 2009

Behind the Main Post Office

NW 9th & Kearney, Portland Oregon

I haven't taken the camera out of the bag in days. This is from on my way back from lunch. I had to shoot something.

Feb 18, 2009

Feb 17, 2009

At the Thai Restaurant

38th & Division, Portland Oregon

Feb 16, 2009

View from Cliff's Living Room

Eugene Oregon

We drove down to Eugene with Bryn, Rachel and Jesse to celebrate Cliff's birthday.

Feb 15, 2009

New Show Up at Marleen's

At Beyond Art, Aurora Oregon
Click on Beyond Art or the title to see the individual pictures.

Feb 14, 2009


View from my window at work the other day. A semi turned left from Hoyt on to the Broadway Bridge Ramp and dropped the trailer while making the corner. The driver got out, walked back, made a cell phone call, cranked up the trailer, backed up the tractor, dropped the trailer and drove off. It all took about 20 minutes. Portland Oregon

Feb 12, 2009

Waterfront Walk Way Structure

Willamette River, Portland Oregon

Feb 11, 2009

Building Blocks

Portland Oregon

Feb 10, 2009

Terry Taking Pictures

Thai Restaurant 38th & Division, Portland Oregon

Feb 9, 2009

Dark Comfort Nails

Thai Restaurant 38th & Division, Portland Oregon

Feb 8, 2009

Feb 7, 2009

Feb 6, 2009

Feb 3, 2009

Same Day, Same Boat Dock Different View

Willamette River, Portland Oregon

Feb 2, 2009

Boat Dock and a Low Water Snag

Along the Willamette, Portland Oregon 

Feb 1, 2009