'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); Rectangles: July 2009

Jul 31, 2009

Jul 30, 2009

Sheet and Mattress Pad

Still with the Canon lens.

Jul 29, 2009

At Union Station Whoopee

Canon 50mm f1.8

Oops I missed it. July 23 was the second anniversary of this blog. Time flies when you're having fun (or getting old?)

Jul 28, 2009

The Wading Pool Disaster

Back with the Canon for a while longer.

Jul 27, 2009

At Chipotle Last Night

Not the Canon lens. I thought this would make a great painting. Something close to half life size.

Jul 26, 2009

Three of Rachel (One with Jesse)

Canon 50mm f1.8
These are an interesting example of the strange effect of a lack of IR filter and strange lighting. Rachel's shirt is bright green. The foliage in the lower background is dark green. Jesse's red shirt is a dark brown. The lighting is bright open blue sky filtered through a heavy layer of translucent green leaves. Go figure.

Jul 25, 2009

Looking Down

All Canon 50mm f1.8

Jul 23, 2009

Jul 22, 2009

Linda at Lunch

Canon 50mm f1.8 Wide open it does nice things to faces.

Jul 19, 2009

Subway at Lovejoy & NW 9th

The Lovejoy ramp (post from yesterday) is reflected in the Subway front door. I'd been thinking of trying out a 50 mm lens and last Thursday at Aikido class Alex loaned me his Canon 50 mm f1.8. It's a little funky on my camera. The f stops and distance fall off to the side rather than on top because of the way it screws into the adapter. I don't have the right adapter for it so I've had to wedge the frame line lever into the 50/75 mm position with a piece of tape. I don't have an IR filter that will fit the lens so some of the blacks (mostly on synthetics) may look a little purply. And it has an infinity focus lock. A device for which I haven't been able to find a definitive explanation of its purpose. Still its fun and a slightly narrower view of the world so for the next few days at least the pictures will have been made with a Canon 50 mm f 1.8 rangefinder lens.

Jul 18, 2009

Lovejoy Ramp Looking East

Someday I'll get this right, not quite yet.

Jul 16, 2009

The Tops of Yesterday's Trees

Jamison Park, Portland Oregon

Jul 14, 2009

Jul 6, 2009

Benign Entrance to the Blood Letting Room at Good Sam

Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland Oregon

Jul 4, 2009

VW Van at Artichoke Music

SE Hawthorne, Portland Oregon

Jul 3, 2009

Sushi Ichiban Again

NW Broadway & Burnside, Portland Oregon

Jul 2, 2009

Red Bicycle

NW Johnson & 9th, Portland Oregon

Jul 1, 2009

Semi Waiting at the RR Crossing

NW 9th & Naito Pkwy, Portland Oregon