'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); Rectangles: 2011

Dec 18, 2011

The House Across The Parking Lot From R&J&C's Place

Apparently there's something about this scene fascinates me. I guess I haven't yet been able to see it correctly. 

Dec 7, 2011

Dec 2, 2011

Fall Leaves In A Puddle

Although it is not really sharp I think this would make a really nice print. I should do more printing.

Nov 24, 2011

Everyone Has A Dark Side

Thanksgiving At J&T's

Bryn carves the turkey.
Bryn devours the carcas.
Dinner for 16. 
Then a game of no rules Texas Hold'em.