'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); Rectangles: September 2011

Sep 30, 2011

Sep 28, 2011

Sep 27, 2011

Sep 20, 2011

Sep 14, 2011

Kids, Parents, Water And No Clara

I assume she's behind me attempting more material wealth equalization through redistribution. 

Sep 12, 2011

Magic Mom And The Little Marxist

Marxist because she spent some of her time at the park fountain attempting to equalize individual material wealth discrepancies through the immediate redistribution of personal property.

Sep 9, 2011

Mother's Magical Hand

 Rachel's hand came out and gently waved in the air near Clara's head. The cup fell from the little boy's hand. The water poured out as the cup  fell. The intent was to pour water on Clara's head. Rachel's years in Aikido pay off in a practical way. (And you gotta love those legs running across the top of the frame.)  

Sep 8, 2011

Jamison Square Fountain (Where's Clara?)

She's behind me. This is just a random bunch of kids. Well, perhaps not so random perhaps given a sense of importance and organization by the frame around them.

Sep 7, 2011

Clara Examines The Concept Of Private Property

Clara, "Hi, I like this sandal I think I'll take it."

"Fine, OK, Sure, you can have it back."

"Besides, it looks like there's other cool stuff in that bag."

Sep 4, 2011

Rectangles And A Chain Link Fence

Due to series continuity issues we continue with the rectangles and such.