'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); Rectangles: Go Around the Traffic Island Sign

Feb 17, 2008

Go Around the Traffic Island Sign

SE 30th, Portland Oregon


Anonymous said...

Initially looking at this photo in its blog context, I assumed you'd added the colors - but it looks like someone (or two or three) did that already.

Jon Maxson said...

Generally, I'll modify, saturate, de-saturate, luminosify or deluminosify the colors that are there. I'll even de-saturate to the point of non-existence but I've found that for me that adding colors or changing the color from one to another (hue shifts other than white balancing) has never been really successful. As for things like the plastic wrapped building or Big Daddy's Barbecue they do fit in to the above on the extreme end.

Jon Maxson said...

Go to the intersection of SE 30th and SE Grant on Google Maps street view. You can see the sign with the blue center filled in. Boy that's weird.

Anonymous said...

Yeah that is weird. Huh. I was biking past the circle at SE Salmon and 13th today and each of the four signs had differently colored graffiti on it; made me think of the 30th and Grant photo. But it must be recent enough that the Google Maps' street view didn't catch it when they drove by.

Jon Maxson said...

I street mapped the one I posted today Two Lines and a Red Square. The intersection of 13th and Everett looks very different now. Things change fast. You can't step in the same river twice sort of thing.

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