'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); Rectangles: Subway at Lovejoy & NW 9th

Jul 19, 2009

Subway at Lovejoy & NW 9th

The Lovejoy ramp (post from yesterday) is reflected in the Subway front door. I'd been thinking of trying out a 50 mm lens and last Thursday at Aikido class Alex loaned me his Canon 50 mm f1.8. It's a little funky on my camera. The f stops and distance fall off to the side rather than on top because of the way it screws into the adapter. I don't have the right adapter for it so I've had to wedge the frame line lever into the 50/75 mm position with a piece of tape. I don't have an IR filter that will fit the lens so some of the blacks (mostly on synthetics) may look a little purply. And it has an infinity focus lock. A device for which I haven't been able to find a definitive explanation of its purpose. Still its fun and a slightly narrower view of the world so for the next few days at least the pictures will have been made with a Canon 50 mm f 1.8 rangefinder lens.


alex said...

it is a funky little lens but i like its rendering (my shots with it: http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=P&m=tags&w=48731119%40N00&ss=2&ct=6 ). so far the only thing i can imagine the infinity lock is useful for is mounting the lens without damaging/stressing the helicoil. i simply got used to depressing the tab whilst focusing the far end. as far as the ir filtre, i am curious if any m users have created an action of sorts to correct the colour shift. this shot seems not to suffer from the ir issue... enjoy!

Jon Maxson said...

In general you really don't notice the IR effect until, well, you notice it. So in this picture and most like it there's no pratical effect. In most cases the effect is noticable on black synthetic clothes. In B&W it has the effect of usually giving you more differentiation in the blacks. I think there are some computer software fixes but it's hard for the software to know what is and isn't black. Yup, it's a fun lens. It seems to do a nice rendering on people and faces.

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