'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); Rectangles: Neskowin Riprap 1

Mar 26, 2008

Neskowin Riprap 1

Neskowin Oregon

There used to be a dune here and a broad expanse of sandy beach at low tide. Now there is riprap to protect the houses then there's the ocean. Even at low tide where we used to build sand castles there is now ocean breaking on the rocks. As you may have guessed for the next several days there will be pictures of rocks, sand, a little sky and some water. Not much to work with just all that nature stuff. Not that I've got anything against nature, and I did have a great time with the rocks, it's just so... subtle. I even had to de-saturate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Desaturating is good for the soul! Forces you to concentrate on the composition!
The movement here should be to expand your knowledge and facility with composition.
Somewhere someone made a statement about how a work's depth is increased by the disparity of elements encompased in the composition. The idea of extending our palette of "acceptable" compositions seems intrigueing.
"Good taste" is the anathama of good "art". more bs from td

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