'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); Rectangles: May 2008

May 31, 2008

Bread Basket

Bread and Ink Restaurant, Portland Oregon

May 30, 2008

The Great Broccoli Disaster at Fred Meyer

SE 39th and Hawthorne, Portland Oregon

May 29, 2008

Fat Tire, Fat Bike, Fat Old Guy

SE 20th and Division, Portland Oregon

May 26, 2008

Maple Leaves on the Way to the Reception

Multnomah Art Center, Portland Oregon

Yup, this is a wedding photo too.

May 25, 2008

Somebody's Relative Looking at the Camera in a Dark Room

Multnomah Art Center, Portland Oregon

More from the wedding.

May 24, 2008

Black Dress with Red Rose Design

Multnomah Art Center, Portland Oregon

This is one terrific dress. Rob and Michelle's wedding.

May 23, 2008

Steel Bridge Repairs with Black Plastic

Steel Bridge, Portland Oregon

Not at the wedding. This is a special out of sequence request fulfillment post. It's a variation on the 05/21/08 post and was taken several days later.

One of the Mom Roses

Multnomah Art Center, Portland Oregon

From Robert and Michelle's wedding

May 22, 2008

Bride's Maids and Guest

Multnomah Art Center, Portland Oregon

Over the next few days you see my favorites from Robert and Michelle's wedding. Keep these in mind if you're looking for wedding photographers. It's a skill and I ain't got it.

May 21, 2008

Work, West End Steel Bridge

Steel Bridge, Portland Oregon

May 20, 2008

Terry Takes a Picture

SE Caruthers, Portland Oregon

May 18, 2008

Waiting at Thanh Thao

SE 40th and Hawthorne, Portland Oregon

May 17, 2008

May 16, 2008

May 15, 2008

Trees, Apartments and Clouds

SE Caruthers, Portland Oregon

May 14, 2008

Dogwood, House and Renaissance Clouds

SE Caruthers, Portland Oregon

Yup this is my neighborhood with the strong sunset side lighting, the dramatic flowering trees, and those damned Renaissance clouds. Sometimes it's inspirational overload just stepping out on the front porch. One block over it's overcast, gray and drizzling normal spring weather.

May 13, 2008

May 12, 2008

May 11, 2008

Another Garage Door

SE 38th (?), Portland Oregon

May 10, 2008

Two Views of Mirador's Doors

SE Division and SE 21st, Portland Oregon

May 9, 2008

Low Cloud, Billboard, Phone Pole

SE Division, Portland Oregon

May 7, 2008

Layover in O'Hare

Chicago, Illinois

May 5, 2008

May 4, 2008

Through the Windshield, From home to work and back again

Well, here it is, my response to the Solo Photo Book Month (SoFoBoMo) challenge. Go to www.sofobomo.org to read more about it, the limitations and see the work of some of the other participants from around the globe. 

The basics were, take 35 or more pictures shot within a month, 30 days within April and May (a 'fuzzy' month) and create a publishable book. My original plan was a series on the Steel Bridge in Portland. I usually walk over the bridge most days at lunch. My work schedule in April prevented that but that same schedule still required me to be at work every day. 

I shot from the car on my drive to and from work. This is not my usual method of operation. I probably wouldn't have lived this long if it was. Normally I take a little more time and compose a little bit tighter so, right off a different experience. I'm also used to each picture standing on it's own. Here each picture has to fit in with the group, get along with it's close neighbors and flow to the next one. Like hanging a show but even more linear. Work I wouldn't have considered otherwise, a good stretch in a different direction and lots of fun.

My thanks to Paul Butzi for the enticing rational limitations of SoFoBoMo, Sarah for thinking out side of the car, my fellow commuters for not honking, saluting or slamming into me while I was shooting/driving and to the beautiful, interesting ever changing city of Portland Oregon. 
 Click on open publication and see the book larger (after a bit of a wait).

May 2, 2008

Two More from the Japanese Garden

Portland Japanese Garden, Portland Oregon