'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); Rectangles: A Gathering of Saints

Dec 4, 2007

A Gathering of Saints

NE Sandy, Portland Oregon

Is there a technical term for a gathering of saints?


Anonymous said...

a host?

Jon Maxson said...

Huh, host just didn't spring to mind. Wikipedia says "Heavenly host, an army of good angels in Heaven" So a host of saints in the saint statue shop? Thanks, though I think I'll stick with gathering. Are Satan's Little Helpers an army of bad angels?

Anonymous said...

I think we should call it a "goodness" of saints

Unknown said...

Technically , any believer in Jesus is a saint. As a Christian I am therefore a saint :) . (Does that make me a statue??) A gathering of saints is church. So I guess the saints are church. And I guess that makes the statue store a church.
(judy maxson sharnik)

Jon Maxson said...

Thanks, not that it's too hard to believe but my mind never went to 'church'. :-)

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